Up in Smoke Perth Products and Services
Up in Smoke Perth is known for our wide range of smoking products and accessories across WA.
What Is A Shisha Lounge?
Shisha bars offer more than just flavoured smoke, they are places of connection, relaxation, and socialisation.
What Is The Difference Between Shisha and Hookah?
Have you wondered what the difference is between a shisha and a hookah?
A Guide to Buying Your First Vape
Have you seen someone vape and you are interested in trying this new rising trend or you are aware of its use and want to own one?
How to make Hookah taste fresh?
Ensure that you get to experience the full effect of a relaxing hookah session. Read our tips!
How to choose the right hookah and which one would suit you
In this Up in smoke blog, our job is to help you find the right hookah and which one would suit you the best.
Types of Vape
Vaping is a very popular alternative to cigarettes and in this article, you will find everything you need to know about how to vape
What is a Waterpipe and How does it work?
We hope that this article will answer all of your questions regarding waterpipes.